Monday, January 26, 2009

Restrictions on Bank "Rescue Package"

In the article “Obama Signals Tough Restrictions on Banks in Rescue Package” on, (, the author says that President Obama is asking for restrictions on the money the federal government will be giving banks to “bail” them out. If there were tougher restrictions and more accountability the first time around the economy, especially the Real Estate market, in this country would be doing better. Even banks that were not in crisis last October and that may have avoided their current situations, in their greed have more taken on more liabilities and are at risk. Evidence of this is in the article “First Centennial Bank of California Seized by State Regulator”, (, which states the third bank this year has been seized by the government because the bank failed

After all of the money that has been given to banks and other businesses, the government should start working to protect the people. It is essential at this time that financial institutions begin lending money for home mortgages. These regulations will help make that happen.